I Just Discovered 

Why So Many Estate Plans and Living Trusts Fail...

And It Is Often An Easy Fix

(Especially For Us, 
With Our Proven Experience With Forms and Numbers )

If It Is Fixed 
Before It Is Too Late!

Most Problems, The Costly Ones, 'Just Happen,' Like...

Passage of Time:  2 of the 3 Beneficiaries of a Life Insurance Policy had ALREADY Died!

Clerical Errors:   The Deceased had opened an IRA, a clerical error at the major bank caused them to refuse to distribute the IRA for over 3 years, even though a CPA/son was the Executor.  Yes, you read that correctly:  
He could NOT get this major national bank to release the money to the beneficiaries for over 3 years!

Professional Forgetfulness:   Following the death of his first wife, the deceased had his Estate Plan reviewed and changed by 2 highly respected Estate Planning Attorney firms and Wealth Advisors over a  20 year period, none of whom bothered to review his Retiree Benefits.  So, on his death, his Retiree Benefits went to his Estate to be shared; and, NOT directly to his widow, had the paperwork been updated, along with the Trusts.

A-B Split:  A Widow lost control of her home because she blindly accepted 
the recommendation of her attorney.  Now she shares ownership of her 'home' 
with others who have no interest in helping  her with the continuing upkeep expense;
 i.e. property taxes, insurance, etc. 

The Remedy:

Find, Organize, Report, and Verify The Current Assets and Liabilities

Then Simulate the Estate Plan By Taking It On A Test Drive 

BEFORE It Is Too Late!

Bill Sefton, CPA Offers His Business Model:
Estate Planning for CPAs, Tax Advisors & 
Other 'Numbers-Oriented' NonAttorneys
To Help Avoid the All-Too-Important Estate Planning Train Wrecks of Life

Estate Planning Attorneys Don't Seem To Do It.
Financial Planners Don't Normally Do It.
Wealth Managers Seem To Ignore It;
So, With Our Experience With Forms and Numbers,  
We Should Be Doing It!

Who Is Bill Sefton?
- Economics Major, Bachelor of Arts Degree, Willamette University
- Masters of Accounting Degree, University of Southern California
- Certified Public Accountant since 1967
- Over Half A Century of Street-Smart Experience
- 65% of Bill's Tax Clients have been with him for over 40 years; and, 
    He has a unique working relationship with the IRS that is the envy of others.
- 30+ Years of Estate Planning, Administration, and Financial Planning Experience.
- Even Enjoys the Challenge of Self-Publishing His Own Websites
© 2024 by William Lee Sefton - (925) 735-2455 PTZ
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